Exceptional Child Care Initiative

2 thoughts on “What Makes Children Smart?

  1. Memorable Childhood
    fond memories of his or her childhood years influence the growth of a person into a well balanced successful adult human being. History is replete with stories of famous celebrities who ended tragically because of memories of their unpleasant past that kept haunting them. A good recent example is late Michael Jackson, whose adult life was negatively influenced by harsh memories of the physical and emotional abuses he and his siblings suffered in the hands of their father during their childhood days. Therefore we need to promote good memories in children.

    A research showed that memories that make us feel nostalgic are — festive traditions, weekend get-togethers, crazy fights with friends, silly classroom jokes, school trips, and exciting outstation holidays (campings). These are the memories children hold close to their hearts and pass it down the generations.

    Intelligence refers to a child’s ability to learn and apply knowledge. It can also be defined as the ability to adapt to the changes in the environment. There are 9 types of intelligence:

    1. Logical-mathematical intelligence
    This refers to the child’s ability to reason, handle figures and make deductions.
    2. Linguistic Intelligence: refers to your ability to find the right words to express what you mean even in one particular language. Knowing several languages could be a plus, but not necessarily.
    3. Visual-Spatial Intelligence: refers to the child’s ability to draw three dimensional objects or images both mentally and physically. it includes fine arts, graphic arts and use of imagination.
    4. Naturalist Intelligence: Being able to “read” and understand nature, and all the living things in and on it, is also a type of intelligence. Having sensitivity for all living and non-living elements in nature makes you “nature-smart”.
    5. Musical Intelligence: This deals with one’s ability to create, detect, handle and analyze tunes, rhythm and sound.
    6. Existential Intelligence: This deals with one’s ability to handle issues concerning life, existence, death and spirituality.
    7. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (a.k.a hand-eye coordination) refers to your physical skills, or your ability to manipulate objects and other elements around you. People who have superior hand-eye coordination excel in the field of sports.
    8. Interpersonal Intelligence: This is also known as “emotional intelligence” or EQ. It refers to your ability to relate well with others. to understand and act on emotions in an effective way.
    9. Intrapersonal Intelligence. This deals with your ability to understand yourself. This includes being self-motivated, strong-willed and independent, and being able to work well without supervision.

    An exceptional child is one who has the 9 types of intelligence. ECCI is poised to produce millions of such children going forward.

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