Exceptional Child Care Initiative

Our Children, Our Future

Great nations result from the emergence of great leaders who are God-fearing great thinkers with emotional and logical intelligence. Exceptional children become great leaders.  ECCI set to mprove the quality of education of our children and build a generation of innovators.

There are 4 important growth stages in a child: the infancy (from birth to 2 years), early childhood (2 to 5 years), the middle childhood (5 to 12 years) and the adolescent phase (12 to 19 years). The infancy to early childhood stage is usually when the child enjoys the company of the parents and other members of the nuclear family, but the middle childhood years (also called the school age) are the period the child begins to interact with the world outside his or her immediate family. ECCI Targets the school age children to help them overcome negative influences outside the control of his or her immediate family and to grow into great leaders.

Imagine this, Nigeria has the highest number of out-of-school children in the world. Of the estimated 200 million people living in Nigeria,80 million do not have basic literacy skills. Additionally, out of 20 million out-of-school children in the world, 10.5 million are in Nigeria. So the challenge of grooming great leaders from the cradle is huge. But the journey of a thousand begins with a step..


* To contribute to the creation of a memorable childhood.

* Identification and cultivation of intelligence in children.

* Develop children to be enthusiastic and imaginative readers.

* Expose the children to requisite etiquette and problem solving skills.

One thought on “Our Children, Our Future

  1. Great write up.

    Leadership is pivotal to the emergence of a great Nation. For decades Nigeria has been grappling with leaders with inept problem solving skills. We hope this narrative changes with this generation.

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